Amazing Amberley Gardens


Gardens galore to drool over!

For a Sunday afternoon each June the South Downs village of Amberley open up its garden in aid of charity. If you have never been to the village = it is off the B2139 from Bury Hill to Storrington. The village has a population of just 533 souls – and the most amazing houses and gardens!


The village features thatched cottages, stone houses and walls and oak buildings all set above the Arun river valley overlooking the wildbrooks. Next to it is Amberley Castle. OldParkHouse200m-border-150x150 Amazing Amberley GardensOldPlaceHouseveggarden-150x150 Amazing Amberley GardensoldbarnsAmberley-150x150 Amazing Amberley Gardens

I have made a big collection of photos on my Pinterest page  -so do like and follow the Amberley board. (It’s easy to set up a Pinterest account and totally free.)

Check it out!

But, seriously – photos do not do the village justice! DO go and pay a visit.

In addition to the 20 gardens that are open at Amberley there is another large estate and garden which is open the same day – New Park House at Madehurst – is very special and opens for the NGS. It has a monumental walled garden – several acres!! with a pool and tennis court – rolling grassland and woods – all looking towards the coast.

The homemade cakes and icecream were great, and of course there was a plant stall too! How can gardeners resist?!

Need more gardening ideas or know where to visit the best ones locally? Have a look at the Pinterest page on Gardens!

© Gayle Palmer Chichester Self Catering 2016.
