Bluebell Woods – a “heavenly-scent” experience

Bluebells 16.5.13

If you have never experienced the full glory of an English Bluebell wood – then it should go onto your “Life’s Bucket List” immediately! To find out what I am talking about just watch the video.

You can never have enough of this special colour filtering into your eyes!

The vibration from this particular blue / violet is uplifting, even heavenly and can transport you into your spiritual self. It raises your own vibration to one of joy and happiness. Your soul will want to have more and more of this special cleansing energy!

The added benefit of going out into the woods for yourself is also the heavenly scent of the flowers, en masse. They have a unique, sweet scent, unlike their counterparts, the Spanish bluebell (H hispanoides) which has no scent to speak of.

With their nodding heads, vibrant colour and gorgeous scent it is no wonder that the humble and hidden English Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) is a sight that just has to be taken advantage of during their short flowering period.

So the best time to visit for bluebell flowering is late spring – typically in May although each areas main flowering will vary each depending on the seasonal changes and also the exact location (e.g. protected or exposed site).

It is particularly associated with ancient woodland where it may dominate the understorey to produce carpets of violet–blue flowers in “bluebell woods”, but also occurs in more open habitats in western regions. It is protected under UK law, and in some other parts of its range. So DO NOT pick them! They flower and leaf early before the canopy closes in late spring. Bluebell flowers are rich in pollen and nectar, and are chiefly pollinated by early bumblebees, although they are also visited by various other insects.

How to identify an English Bluebell: Bluebells-16.5.13-300x225 Bluebell Woods - a "heavenly-scent" experience

have creamy-white pollen
have flowers mostly drooping down one side of the stem only
usually have deep blue, narrow tube-like flowers with the tips of the petals curled back
have a distinct, sweet aroma
have narrow leaves, around 1.5cm wide

Best places to go near Chichester for Bluebell woods:

Ebernoe Common, Petworth

The Saltings, along the Harbour path from Itchenor towards East Head

West Dean gardens, Chichester

Woods just North of West and East Ashling

Ask Gayle for some more locally too! I don’t want to broadcast them as they are more private, and its nice to keep them that way! 😉

© Chichester Self Catering 2016-7

If you wish to enjoy the bluebell woods and the other Spring scenery in West Sussex – for a weekend or a week – call Gayle now to explore what accommodation is available and will suit your group the best. 07769 746113

If you have found an especially beautiful area of bluebell woodland – let me know below in the comments.
