Halloween and Autumnal Ideas around Chichester


The October school half term usually coincides with Halloween – which is the 31st October. Fireworks night is also not far after on the 5th November so you can have great fun creating a special kids and adult experience, with a bit of ingenuity. 

There are of course plenty of local,  planned activities too so this post will hopefully give you some more ideas. As an extra helping hand you can have a look at our Pinterest board too https://uk.pinterest.com/Chiselfcatering/halloween-and-autumn-fun/

Many of the local attractions have specials at this time of the year.

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  • Spend a spooky sleepover night at The Novium, the City Museum, for over 7 year olds. (pre-booking essential on 01243 775888)
  • West Dean Gardens have a variety of Halloween activities over half term including pumpkin carving, scary trails and face painting.
    25 October – 29 October 2017
    25 October at 10:30 to 29 October at 17:00
  • How about going to Stansted House for 3 spooky nights. http://www.stanstedpark.co.uk/events/halloween.html
  • It’s the Roman Army Week 25th-29th Oct at Fishbourne Roman PalaceFishbourne-hypocaust-150x150 Halloween and Autumnal Ideas around Chichester
  • Petworth House and Park A Wizard’s Quest Trail Sat 23nd – 29th October Child £3.
  • Pond dipping for mini-beasts at the Arundel Wetland Centre
  • Earnley Butterflies, birds and beasts is doing a Spooky Half term special too.
  • The Amberley Heritage Centre has a special evening on with an evening trail too.
  • Nearer top home the Jungle Paradise Crazy Golf at Hunston has a Halloween special too – https://chichestergolf.com/halloween
  • There is also the annual Slindon Pumpkins mosaic extravaganza! A new created mosaic every year with different types of pumpkins and squashes – and lots more for sale.

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I love to create a special Halloween tea for my niece and nephew – and probably have as much or more fun than they do in the process!

They can join in decorating the area and colouring in all sorts of spiders, and face masks etc. Pumpkin carving of course is obligatory with a bit of help to remove the inner pumpkin which gets used for soup later.

How about creating a menu of:

A soup with quails eggs in it floating around like eyeballs could start off the evening.

Dead man’s fingers (hot dogs in rolls with ketchup)

Marmite pinwheels and other sandwiches – cut into interesting shapes and oozing a big of ketchup!

Cup cakes are always a favourite – and the icing options are up to your imagination!

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I did a big fruit salad using a watermelon and had it spilling out of the mouth with a pineapple top on the monsters head! Decorating it with some small chocolate wrapped pumpkin balls added to the fun.

To increase the sense of drama – have the lights off and use candles (carefully!) or torches to light the room. Ghosts stuck on the windows made from paper and toilet roll seemed to catch their attention too!

Tell a scary story, or even have an adult dress up and surprise them when the lights are turned off!

For these and more ideas see the Pinterest page: https://uk.pinterest.com/Chiselfcatering/halloween-and-autumn-fun/

So….what will your Halloween fun be all about? Put your comments below in the post.

If you want to book the house for the October half term holiday (or for a weekend break either side – do get in touch with Gayle on 07769 746113.

One last thing – the annual SLOE FAIR is on 20th October at the Northgate carpark – for one night only!

© Gayle Palmer. Chichester Self Catering 2016-7
